Magic Contest:  Overview
Enter results:  Bridgemate

 Magic Contest
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          Fouled board
          Current standing
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Tomas Brenning
Tel:     +46 171 47 50 37
Fax:     ---
Mobile: +46 70 742 77 42

Veckholms-Åkerby 2
SE-745 99  Enköping

Alternate e-mail address:

Bridgemate is a wireless table-top input device that can improve contest management in many ways. You will have the final result of the contest ready for printout a split second after the last board has been played.

How to...
1. Use Magic Contest to start a contest
2. Export the movement to Bridgemate
3. Watch results popping in

More information
This presentation gives more information as does an e-mail to the Bridge Systems.

If you're interested in details you might find the Bridgemate manual interesting. Chapter 5 gives a walk-through to how manage the Bridgemates at the table.

Visit Bridgemate
By Bridge Systems

This is what a Bridgemate looks like: