Magic Contest:  Overview
Report contest:  BridgeWebs

 Magic Contest
       Enter results
       Enter contracts
       Double dummy
       Report contest
          Master points
          Master pts (more)
          Point league
          Automatic e-mail
          Automatic FTP
    Country versions
    Price list

Tomas Brenning
Tel:     +46 171 47 50 37
Fax:     ---
Mobile: +46 70 742 77 42

Veckholms-Åkerby 2
SE-745 99  Enköping

Alternate e-mail address:

BridgeWebs is a very interesting website. It offers web hosting specifically for bridge clubs, but not only that, the website can import PBN files that Magic Contest creates through Contest menu-Report contest.

According to BridgeWebs there are several clubs in Finland, Estonia, Spain and Pakistan that currently use both Magic Contest and BridgeWebs. They should benefit from this new feature.

As of version 4.10 (April 2015), Magic Contest can report directly to BridgeWebs without having to follow the manual instructions to your right. Please go to the Documentation section of this website to learn more about automatic upload.

Please contact Gwynne Hughes at BridgeWebs on for more information.

Instructions for manual upload

Here are some words directly from BridgeWebs about uploading PBN files:

Do the following in Magic Contest:
* Score the contest
* Select Contest menu-Report contest
* Select the PBN option
* Click OK

This produces a PBN file in Magic Contest Outbox (##).

Go to and do this:
* Go to your main Menu
* Select - Administration
* Select - Upload results
* Use the [Browse] button for the PBN file (#)
* Then [Open]
* Enter the club password
* Click [Save]

Results uploaded.

(#) Use the [Browse] button against results to look for your Magic Contest PBN file. It will remember the library next time. The default location is Magic Contest Outbox that you find in My Documents.

(##) This is as far as you have to go if you use automatic upload of PBN files. Go to the Documentation section of this website to learn more about automatic upload.